While Dragon Ball Z may not be as strong a fighter as Jump Superstars, it is by far the best handheld fighting game for American gamers. While the fighting genre may not be in heavy contention here in America, with Marvel Nemesis as the only other brawler, importers have found Jump Superstars to be an amazing fighter, ranking with the likes of Nintendo's Super Smash Brothers series. The end result: A solid licensed product that fans can be proud to call their own. As a sequel to the GBA fighter, Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2 takes the original design and amplifies it, adding a strong tag-team mode, mixed with some seriously impressive speed and visuals. Dragon Ball Z, which has become the main brand extension here in America, spans over 180 episodes, so it is no surprise when a new game finds its way onto shelves once again. The Dragon Ball franchise is one of the longest running anime series in history.